Anyone working in a pharmacy-related setting needs to follow data security guidance, regardless of role. A pharmacy holds important and sensitive information about patients and medicines and the team needs to demonstrate the highest standards in data security and information governance, as spot checks will be carried out to make sure the pharmacy is meeting its legal and professional obligations. You need to be prepared. Continue reading to learn more about our free cyber security courses.
This course will help you comply with the data security and information governance requirements and needs to be completed every year.
The overall aim of the free cyber security courses
This course complies with the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework’s (CPCF) information governance (IG) provisions that all personnel who have access to confidential information undergo data security and protection training.
What are the learning outcomes?
- Acquire a working knowledge of data security as well as information governance.
- Find out the importance of data security and information governance.
- Recognise the distinctions between personal, confidential, and sensitive personal information.
- Have a working knowledge of how to safeguard personal, confidential, and sensitive personal information.
- Recognise the critical nature of accurate and current information.
What’s the duration of the free cyber security course?
This course should take about 30 minutes to finish. Additional resources are offered after the course’s conclusion that are optional. However, they may aid your learning if you choose to go deeper into the subject.
What is the significance of the free cyber security course?
To make sure that you are compliant with the law and NHS regulations. Anybody working in a pharmacy-related setting must be aware of and understand their legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality and security of patient information, as well as the means by which they can do so. Completing this program will assist you in meeting data security regulations and gaining a better understanding of why this is critical for you, your patients and most importantly, your pharmacy.
The relationship between pharmacy and data
The community pharmacy setting is a data-intensive one. While working in a pharmacy, you may have access to a great deal of confidential material about your patients and the business as a whole. Patient medicine, their age, their location, and the benefits they receive are just some of the pieces of information that pharmacy workers can access. It is critical that this data is handled appropriately and securely. Everyone in the pharmacy should also be aware of what is and is not acceptable.
Every year, your pharmacy must declare that it complies with NHS and legal data security and information governance (IG) obligations. It should also explain how it operates within these parameters. One of the rules is that all employees who have access to sensitive information must receive appropriate data security and protection training on a regular basis.
The Pharmacy Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) gives information on how to comply with these criteria and basic pharmacy staff training. This e-learning course supplements the PSNC training and thus satisfies the data security and information governance training requirements.
What are data security and information governance?
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) establishes the rules and processes for data security and information governance that pharmacies must follow. The ICO is the UK’s independent authority charged with upholding information rights. They are concerned with how organisations process and manage information on the individuals who are using their services. IG is based on various data protection regulations, including the Data Protection Act, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), and the common law duty of confidence. It also integrates central government instructions, such as standards of conduct on confidentiality, information security, and records management provided by central government agencies like the Department of Health and Social Care.
What does Information Governance mean?
The word ‘governance’ – whether it refers to clinical governance or information governance – means the presence of frameworks and practices that shape how something runs and the procedures that hold it and its constituents accountable. The course’s focus on information governance (IG) is on personal and sensitive personal information. But it also contains commercially sensitive information regarding the pharmacy that may require protection.
This is in contrast to clinical governance, which is also a component of the pharmaceutical contract. While information governance is concerned with data and information, clinical governance is concerned with preserving and increasing the quality of patient care.
Why is data protection important? (Lean more with free cyber security courses)
Protecting personal information is a need. It is required under UK law, including the common law duty of secrecy and the GDPR. As a result, all companies and their employees must take data security seriously.
Sign up now to get started with our free cyber security course!
This blog post was written on behalf of Mediapharm by Pharmacy Mentor.