Healthy Living Pharmacy Health Champion Course
This Health Champion Course will give pharmacy colleagues a nationally recognised qualification from the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) - the Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement.
Online price: £95 (+vat)

Healthy Living Pharmacy Health Champion Course
4 modules. Includes certification.
The Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) initiative is designed to put the pharmacy at the centre of the community's health and wellbeing. As part of this, pharmacies are now required to provide self-care advice and treatment for common ailments and healthy lifestyle interventions, in addition to providing the safe supply and use of prescribed medicines. To be a designated Healthy Living Pharmacy, at least one member of the pharmacy team has to be trained as a Health Champion.
Within a community pharmacy, Health Champions (HCs) are members of the pharmacy team who are trained and accredited to provide customers with health and wellbeing advice. The key role of a Health Champion is to provide people with information about their health and signpost them to other community services (including commissioned pharmacy services) that will help them to adopt healthier lifestyles and access the support they need to do so. Health Champions have achieved the Royal Society for Public Health (RPSH) Understanding Health Improvement Level 2 award. This role and qualification is also recognised by other health providers and public health commissioners.
The ideal Health Champion has the following attributes:
- Lives in the community that they work in
- Works on the medicines counter or, if within the dispensary, has plenty of opportunity to interface with customers
- Is passionate about helping individuals and wants to make a difference
- Is prepared to engage in proactive conversations about an individual’s health
- Wants to develop their role further and invest time in their development
- Has or can develop skills in questioning, listening and establishing rapport
- Has or can develop a knowledge of health-related issues such as obesity, smoking, and alcohol
- Works well in a team; prepared to take a lead in activities such as health promotional activities
- May be engaged in service delivery already (although this is not essential, it suggested a synergy between the proactive engagement with individuals and follow-up in service delivery)
- Should be able to research and keep an up to date a local directory of health and wellbeing services in the local area.

What you will get
Beautifully designed by pharmacy educators to help colleagues learn faster.
- 4 in depth and killer modules
- Over 20 easy to digest topics
- Over 50 interactive exercises, offline activities and resources
- Over 20 video tutorials
- Over 10 refresher quizzes to lock in learning
- Displayable digital badge
- Printable custom certificate
- Recognised qualification
- One to one online support

Instant online access
Join our engaged community of learners now!
What our learners say
We're proud to have trained 100's of Health Champions.

A fantastic experience , great knowledge helping me to provide a valuable customer service . Informative videos and content.

Very thorough, clear information that is easy to understand. Wide range of learning methods to help to remember information.

The course is interactive and allows me to work at it at a pace that is best for me to learn. Allows me to correct my answers by checking and re learning.
Who should take the course?
Any member of the pharmacy team can become a Health Champion and there are no specific entry requirements. The Health Champion training course will increase the communication skills of the individual and enable them to enhance and promote health and wellbeing effectively. This can benefit the pharmacy business as well as the individual personally.
How long does the course last?
This course requires 8 hours study time.
What kind of support will students receive?
You must complete all short quiz questions at the end of each module, then a mock exam comprising of 30 multiple choice questions.
What happens after a student passes?
On successful completion of the mock examination, and in order to be certificated by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH), applicants will be registered for the official RSPH examination. This exam follows the same format as the mock examination described above. Once complete you'll also have access to RSPH Associate Membership as well.